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Written be: Omar Colmenares Trujillo |
the recent presentation of a financing law by the Colombian government, Iván
Duque revealed not only a deficiency in the national budget of the nation, but
also the unsustainability of the future.
financing law has another aspect that is the law of public expenditure or as
others call tax reform, the truth is that this unsustainability is critical and
it obeys according to experts for several reasons.
first of the reasons is the corruption that costs the country USD $ 17 million
per year to the Colombians, and that requires a real structural reform of the
state, but this decision is in the hands of corrupt politicians, so no measures
will be adopted. .
there is another reason that I want to occupy in this article and is due to the
saturation of the budget by the amount of subsidies and benefits that the
country gives to the most disadvantaged classes, In Colombia there is something
called SISBEN which is a System of Identification of Potential Beneficiaries of
Social Programs that, through a score, classifies the population according to
their socioeconomic conditions.
it is through the SISBEN that you can access several programs for the poorest
population. Among those that stand out:
FAMILIAR: Early childhood, children's homes, child development centers and
community homes.
Access, You Choose and Support Subsidy
Rural housing and comprehensive land subsidy
Rural youth
Subsidized regime
Housing in kind
SOCIAL: More families in action, Youth in action and Red Unidos
Colombia mayor
Being a paid pilo
MILITAR: Military notepad exemption
there are also other types of subsidies in Colombia such as:
of subsidy.
is the payment made to public employees of certain salary levels to contribute
to their maintenance in the amount and conditions established by law. When the
employing entity supplies the power to its servers, there will be no place for
this recognition.
10, The food subsidy for public employees of the entities referred to in this
decree, which accrues monthly basic allocations not exceeding one million six
hundred and five thousand five hundred and seventy-one pesos ($ 1,605,571) m /
cte ., will be fifty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty Source: Decree of 995
2017 - Public Function
is a benefit granted to people who are unemployed and who have contributed to a
compensation fund. This subsidy is regulated by Law 1636 of June 18, 2013.
subsidy or monetary quota
is a monetary resource that is delivered monthly to members for each of the
Subsidized Regime is the mechanism by means of which the poorest population of
the country, without capacity to pay, has access to health services through a
subsidy offered by the State.
for educational support.
is an economic aid that the National Government approved to help resolve the
personal expenses generated by the attendance of students. This applies to
university students.
assistance is a benefit for employees who earn up to 2 minimum monthly
salaries, whose purpose is to help them with transportation costs from home to
the workplace. This being so, there are ways to request the recognition of this
right and even the payment of damages. The transport aid is not part of the
salary, so it should not be included as a basis for the calculation of the
parafiscal contributions and neither for the contributions of health and
to the national department of statistics of that country, (Dane) 385,000 people
left poverty last year and 467,000 left behind the condition of extreme
poverty. Multidimensional poverty also fell and for some analysts this is due
to the innumerable benefits and subsidies that the state provides.
State is the one that seeks that governments provide their most needy citizens,
from the cradle to the grave: Education, housing, health, retirement pensions,
employment in the official bureaucracy, unemployment benefits, disability ...
affordable public transport, childcare, reparation of the victims, care for the
welfare state is a concept of government in which the state protects and
promotes the economic and social well-being of the citizens, based upon the
principles of equal opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public
responsibility for citizens unable to avail themselves of the minimal
provisions for a good life.[1] The sociologist T. H. Marshall described the
modern welfare state as a distinctive combination of democracy, welfare, and
von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of Germany, created the modern welfare state
by building on a tradition of welfare programs in Prussia and Saxony that began
as early as in the 1840s, and by winning the support of business. Bismarck
introduced old age pensions, accident insurance and medical care that formed
the basis of the modern European welfare state. His paternalistic programs won
the support of German industry because its goals were to win the support of the
working class for the German Empire and reduce the outflow of immigrants to the
United States, where wages were higher but welfare did not exist.
United Kingdom, as a modern welfare state, started to emerge with the Liberal
welfare reforms of 1906–1914 under Liberal Prime Minister Herbert Asquith.
These included the passing of the Old-Age Pensions Act in 1908, the
introduction of free school meals in 1909, the 1909 Labour Exchanges Act, the
Development Act 1909, which heralded greater Government intervention in
economic development, and the enacting of the National Insurance Act 1911
setting up a national insurance contribution for unemployment and health
benefits from work.
Colombian case public debt reaches 45% of GDP, the fourth largest in the
region, only behind Brazil, Argentina and Costa Rica. All of this is largely
due to bureaucratic growth, the commitments made with the FARC and the
disproportionate spending on state advertising during the Santos era. 100%
subsidized housing, strengthening of Families in Action, the subsidized health
regime and a hundred other programs, which only make the real economic
well-being of the country unviable, which, although - incidentally - is
constitutionally called an Economy Social de Mercado, to sound cooler, has
nothing to do with the ESM proposed by Ludwig Erhard and other German
could be said then that in a welfare state we think about the short term,
regardless of the future, under the logic of: today we are alive, tomorrow we
do not know. The duration of the welfare state depends on the wealth that a
country has accumulated and the taxes it collects. If it is a rich country, as
is the case in France, it will be able to last longer; If, on the other hand,
it is a middle-income country like Venezuela, the fall is more hurried.
However, whatever the case of study, the welfare state fails, despite the
optical illusion that it may create in the beginning. The generation that
begins with the welfare revolution may not be affected, but it is the coming
generations that must deal with its economic, political and socio-cultural
to figures from the National Planning Department, the Colombian state is
allocating about 72 billion dollars per year to social subsidies.
State aids are distributed through 65 different programs, equivalent to nine
percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country, more than five
times what the first phase of the Bogota Metro costs, or 120 times what it
costs. that cost corruption in Reficar.
in this way, the previous figures seem astronomical, and that is why there is
no shortage of those who call themselves scandal. But before making a judgment
on the magnitude - or even on the benefits and disadvantages of subsidies - it
is convenient to reflect on its nature.
kinds of subsidies
There are programs
- for example "Families in Action" - where the State simply transfers
a sum of money to the beneficiaries. These are the monetary subsidies, which
raise the household income (or the profits of the company receiving the subsidy
in cases such as the "Agro Secured Income" program). One of the
characteristics of monetary subsidies is the possibility of identifying the
subsidies do not imply transfer of money but the provision of the good or
service with a lower price for its recipient. This is the case, for example,
with government spending on mass transportation, education, health, technical
advice or home public services.
incidence of these subsidies on the payment capacity of the beneficiary is
indirect, because thanks to the subsidy the family (or company) improves the
disposable income to acquire the goods of their preference. This idea can be
illustrated in several ways:
Thanks to the hot food that children receive in school canteens, households
spend less on the market, and free resources to buy other goods.
families' ability to pay also improves when the rates for public services are
reduced, or when instead of paying for a private university, the children are
admitted to the public university.
this type of subsidies, the beneficiary can not always be identified, as in the
cases of subsidized mass transport or free concerts, to mention only two
The government considers that pensions are also a subsidy, and includes them
within the 72 trillion package. But pensions must have special treatment for
three important reasons:
because its amount is very high (close to 38 billion pesos in 2017, or more
than half of the total "subsidies")
because at least part of the pensions in charge of the State have been or are
paid by the workers under the modality of direct contributions or of values
implicitly or explicitly deducted from their monthly salary.
third, because pensions put on the table the discussion about citizen rights,
and open the door to the discussion about the convenience of society advancing
towards a universal basic income.
nature of pensions is very different from that of other expenses and should not
be considered as a subsidy. As with monetary subsidies, in pensions it is
possible to determine the beneficiary.
agree that public spending - and specifically subsidies - must serve its
purpose at a reasonable cost ("efficiency") and help improve the
distribution of income ("equity").
is the English acronym of the expression Not in Employment, Education or
Training (neither works, nor studies nor receives training).
houses, subsidies to the pension and to the health, aid in feeding and
schooling, of employment and public services, are only some examples of an economy
more and more focused in the gratuity. The worst thing of all is that 30% of
this aid - according to a report by Professor Hugo López - falls into the hands
of the non-poor, that is, people with sufficient income to live independently,
in other words middle class or even high.
have to survive, but we must improve the targeting to get the 'cast' and
achieve a healthy balance between aid and public policies for Colombians out of
has been allowed in real life on behalf of the great welfare state, but the
left has also deified it, while demonizing in work. Mr. Paul Lafargue, author
of "The Right to Laziness" who became Karl Marx's son-in-law,
developed a whole theory on the subject, where he praises leisure and presents
as the only desirable model of life the one where maximum work is carried out
three hours a day. day and the rest of the time is dedicated to the pleasures.
sad thing is that this way of seeing life is increasingly popular among young
people. The old idea that "work dignifies man" seems to have no space
in a society where leisure and laziness are the ultimate ends.
fashionable youtubers, singers and idols of the youth invite their followers to
leave their jobs and go on a trip to "take advantage" of life. Having
hard jobs and getting up early is for losers because what is good is going to
party every night and being able to wake up when you want, without the pressure
of a boss.
has been allowed in real life on behalf of the great welfare state, but the
left has also deified it, while demonizing in work. Mr. Paul Lafargue, author
of "The Right to Laziness" who became Karl Marx's son-in-law,
developed a whole theory on the subject, where he praises leisure and presents
as the only desirable model of life the one where maximum work is carried out
three hours a day. day and the rest of the time is dedicated to the pleasures.
mid-2013 the United Kingdom made a considerable cut with state aid, many choose
a life at the expense of subsidies.
Clinton in the late 90s proposed a new philosophy "If you want to keep
receiving money, you have to contribute in some way to the community."
is necessary to withdraw aid to those under 25 years of age who neither study
nor work, nor do they intend to train to change their situation between the
ages of 16 and 24 years.
pregnant teenagers, they believe that getting pregnant is the best choice of
en acción for example, is the Social Prosperity program that offers all those
families with children under the age of 18 who require financial support to
have a healthy diet, growth and development controls on time and permanence in
the system. school.
project is not the elimination of the welfare state, as the experts argue that
these policies are in the way of capitalism, and what I propose with this
article is the reduction of public spending, the reduction of the welfare state
from the targeting of needs.
looks at the discussion that several years ago was given in Europe and the
United States, the only way to save the necessary welfare state, is to reduce
equity, we need to reduce the state that is a road without return, but this
reduction must accompanied as I have initially argued, of structural reforms in
all areas, such as reducing the congress and rethinking the soils of
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