viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018



Much has been said about the role of communication in the construction of peace for Colombia, in the post-conflict scenario. It is essential that Colombians in all regions know the agreements and their responsibility in the implementation of them. Having a solid communication strategy will contribute to greater confidence in the process and citizens will take control of the construction of a sustainable peace.

"Terrorist", "assassin", "criminal", "genocidal", are some of the pejorative epithets that I have used the most to defend my position against what I have always considered aberrant impunity for the Farc through a peace process; The resistance to see criminals doing politics without having gone through justice, incites deep emotions and sensations, which are reflected through the political language in social networks.

The government of Juan Manuel Santos historically left us a negotiated solution to the conflict with one of the FARC's strongest armed actors, a difficult and compelling peace process, but which for our country meant a great advance towards peace and the reconciliation of peace. that we have been thirsty for years.

The war of words, those comments on Facebook like the ones I mentioned at the beginning, like I recently made a publication of Senator Paloma valencia and someone told me that she was paramilitary, or "Paraca" something of course is totally false, but that to attack who is part of a party of Right and Uribista, already makes it a target of those qualifiers.

The truth is that Juan Manuel Santos left us a wonderful legacy for the country, the end of the war in the fields, now there are those who disarm the language, we have the imperative obligation to disarm ourselves, and put aside the perspective of the enemy.

Our language has become, I repeat, a war machine if we really want peace, what we must demonstrate, as in my case, for a long time use very hard expressions tell this insurgent group, but today I give up, I get tired , and I do not want more of the same, I am without strength to continue on that path of destruction.

Peace was not achieved with the signing of the agreement with the Farc, because we all know that peace is built on paper, peace is a continuous individual and collective process.

From many sectors of Colombian society, academics and intellectuals have insisted on the construction of an inclusive narrative, everything we fit, where we can all respect each other, appreciate even our differences, is like that ability to support each other.

At the time, President Juan Manuel Santos, (2015) in an interview with Claudia Gurissatti, asked the media to disarm the language to refer to the FARC and this message was very important and with some positive consequences, something that was seen immediately in the media.

Everything depends on how we have read our reality to this day, those derogatory narratives that helped to deepen the polarization and part of that responsibility is of our politicians like Álvaro Uribe and Gustavo Petro.

We must move precisely in this direction the construction of an inclusive narrative, where we can express our opinions and comments with respect and tolerance, starting from the base that as human beings, we are brothers and we belong to the same nation, we are able to love each other others although we think differently.

Beyond making a pedagogy of the post-conflict, a new narrative of peace should be developed: more global, more inclusive, and with a vision of the future. A communication strategy should be seen as a key tool in the construction of a society in peace and in the search for international support to achieve the objectives of the agreements. When we talk about communication, we are not referring only to telling the story, to informing the different actors of what comes after the signing of the agreement. This will be important but not enough. We refer to effectively involving all actors, listening to them and incorporating their ideas, committing them to change and to the construction of a new country.

And that inclusive narrative should extend to all areas of society, towards Venezuelans, towards criminals, towards difference, and the fact that we speak honoring the dignity of a person; it does not mean, of course, that we approve of his behavior or that we agree with his ideas or conceptions, from the neighborhood, the lord of the reds, in the schools, with our co-workers, in the most subtle human relations.

We are all called to change the literature of the armed conflict in Colombia, let us not fall into the mistake of believing all of our politicians who are quite liars, let's bet from our paths and municipality to enter into an inclusive dialogue, respect and dignity with our adversary , and I say adversary as a term to designate who does not profess our political or religious ideas, but that that adversary is as Human and respectable as ourselves.


Omar Colmenares Trujillo

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