viernes, 8 de junio de 2018




Baltasar Gracián y Morales.

On this occasion I present to you one of the great works of Spanish political literature, The Hero of Baltasar Gracián y morales, I will present a brief summary of the most important aspects of politics, written for King Don Fernando of Spain in 1637; It is very much a political treaty, as a recommendation for the art of governing.

The first two chapters of the Hero draw from the beginning the frame in which the conception of the prototype of the hero according to Gracián is developed. This frame is the distinction between being and look, reality and mask, thing and sign, that is, a split universe in which the trap, trap, illusion and deception are its constituent data. This conception would develop in all its extension in the critic. In this text, the universe changes its appearance and form according to the vision it has of the two characters that go from pilgrims to the great theater of the world.

The world in general, both natural and social, is a mobile and deceptive façade, which undergoes a general inversion of values. The whole problem for each of them lies in not falling into the trap of seeming deceptions, vain ostentation, and even language, which is also encrypted: "When you talk, it is often said more or different than what that seems to be said. "

In this realm of Deception, which totally penetrates the relations of men, the rule of the hero's permanent conduct is to hide the extension of his capacity from others and, at the same time, to try to penetrate into the heart of the other. This rule is not a principle of duplicity proper to the hero, rather it is a means to use universal duplicity for his own purposes. The first two maxims of the art of behavior are understood: to become impenetrable, never to show itself as it is; 2. And, in particular, to hide the feelings of the heart, not to let the passions be known, because without this the heroism will suffer a mortal blow. In effect, to show passion is to give others weapons that will turn against us. These maxims suppose an interpretation of the interhuman relations in terms of power and domination: a man who has understood another is in a position to dominate him; On the contrary, the one whom nobody understands escapes the power of others.

It is understood that heroism is defined above all as a self-control that must seek an advantage and a superiority over others. This self-control has two aspects: One practical: One practical, because it is a technique that consists of an art of speaking and acting; the other aesthetic, which deals with a style of ways, of grace or of that indefinable "I do not know what" without which all the techniques of the world would be ineffective. But before addressing some aspects of this technique of self-mastery and style aesthetics, it is important to say a few words about the qualities and the exceptional perfections that distinguish the hero and, when grouped together, make him an extraordinary being.

At the root of all greatness is the spirit first, or more exactly the understanding. This main part is composed of two others: a fund of judgment and an elevation of ingenuity that, according to Gracián, form a prodigy when they meet. The harmony of these attributes is essential to the hero. Note in passing that Gracian gives to this division of the understanding of wit and judgment the aspect of a true philosophical category form of the faculties of the soul.

Spirit and judgment depend on nature and art. On the one hand, the strength, promptness and subtlety of the spirit are a gift of nature or of God and as they are like flashes of divinity.

But the spirit also makes art intervene, even artifice. This explains the monumental development in Gracian of an art of the spirit or of an art of ingenuity, which opens the rhetoric to a field that, if you had not ignored, at least it had been neglected.

Establishes as characteristics of this art of the spirit: 1. In Discourse III of his work Agudeza y arte de ingenio, Gracian imposes as an objective the acuteness of artifice, which refers to subtle beauty, as opposed to sharpness of insight, that gives access to complex truths, discovering the most secret. 2. The tropes or figures, which are forms of traditional rhetoric, become subject matter in the framework of their analysis of ingenuity.

This discourse on the soul of politics and the way to achieve success in it only preserves from Machiavelli's prince the aspects discarded by the theorists of the reason of state, to elaborate some modes of rationalization of the governmental practice that has for object the power of the state and not that of the prince.

I hope you have been to your liking, this wonderful work of political theory, risk yourselves to live the adventure of reading it, because you will find great contributions to the way of doing politics, of course we can find differences, but without a doubt it is a great bulwark for the exercise of political power, even on a next occasion.

Omar Colmenares trujillo

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