Machiavellianism is
used as an expression to denote a policy of simulation, deception, and felony
far removed from the ethical canons, here the resonance concept is resonating,
because the immoral is the descriptive foundation of what a good ruler should
do, then I could easily ignore the question, even if I have considered the
questioning resolved.
The origins of Machiavellianism
go back to the Italian Renaissance, Nicolás Machiavelli (1469-1527), whose
surname owes the word, was a typical Renaissance man: iconoclastic,
rationalist, disrespectful, heartrending religious and moral prejudices, with a
passionate passion for Search and discover and deeply proud of his intellectual
emancipation. His book, especially the Prince was dedicated to the magnificent
Lorenzo de Medecis, Grandson of Pope Leo X, in pouring all his experience as a
courtier of Florentine political life, full of intrigue and ruthless rivals in
the struggle for power.
His philosophical work
the Prince was dedicated to the magnificent Lorenzo de Medici’s, Grandson of
Papa León X, in pouring all his experience as a courtier of Florentine
political life, full of intrigue and ruthless rivals in the struggle for power.
Currently recognized
politicians such as the United States Donald Trump and Russia Vladimir Putin,
it seems that they slept with the famous book under their pillows, because the
end that justifies the means, a phrase that still doubt the author of the
Florentine, seems to direct current policies on the planet, without observing
some disastrous consequences, such as delegitimization and popular assent.
Machiavellianism, the
mere fact of consecrating it in the literature of political science, already
generates darkness, chaos, contrariety, the most perverse side of its
philosophy, which certainly does not hide the great contributions it had to the
concepts that today are known as state and Government, which are so valid.
Machiavelli was the
first to treat politics from a scientific point of view, this is free from all
the religious ties that imprisoned him during the Middle Ages, and his main
books The Prince and The Discourses on the First Decade of Livy, went to
Despite the limitations of their time, the precursors of modern political
This is in synthesis
the essence of Machiavellianism in my concept, but could not leave aside a
maxim of government, which until today has been very controversial, asked
Machiavelli that the prince think about preserving his life and his state; if
he succeeds, all the means he has employed will be judged honorable and praised
by all the world, thus he formulates the famous principle that the End Justice
means, although as I repeat, there are doubts about whether I really formulate
Machiavelli was always
a realist, he discarded the reality of politics, one of the causes of his
controversy, he always had a grim perception of human nature. "Men take
less care to offend whoever they fear" because love is a very weak bond
for miserable men and yields to the least motive of personal interest, while
fear is born of the threat of punishment.
The little book of
Machiavelli little read at the beginning, then raised the furor of the church
and other sectors, the Archbishop of Canterbury Reginal Pole condemn him as
written by the hand of the devil, in 1557 its author was denounced by Pope Paul
IV impure and evil.
Unfortunately and I do
not know if many of the current Latin American political leaders have read the
precious works of Machiavellianism, they make almost to the letter the
recommendations that this demand of the Princes, because it has been easily
exposed in acts of corruption.
"Note also the ease with which men
corrupt themselves, and change their habits, even if they are good and well
educated, changing their good habits into bad ones." Well studied such
events by the legislators in the republics or in the kingdoms, will induce them
to dictate measures that quickly refrain human appetites and remove all hope of
impunity for those who commit faults carried away by their passions. " (Machiavelli, Discourses on the First Decade of Livy, 1,
on the other hand we have the following sentence from the same author:
"Power implies corruption,
disappointment, the uncovering of the true nature of man, which seeks power and
to keep it ends up corrupting."
it is unfair to claim that Machiavelli was indeed Machiavellian, it is false to
attribute the evil of the rulers to a great and famous writer, because what he
simply did was describe what he saw, what he lived, a scene of his time that
even today is valid, corruption is a Latin heritage, from the Renaissance era
of princes, so I certainly deny some form of stigmatization against their works
embezzlement, bribery, influence peddling and even homicide is all that can be
found in the tactics of a good governor at the mercy of the summary of
Machiavelli's work, and although they are considered crimes in our legislation
Colombian, to the public leaders very little or nothing they care, what is
needed is to obtain power and stay in it.
conclusion I can argue that unintentionally Machiavellianism turned into the
politicking philosophy of corrupt leaders, and under this orbit it can
apparently justify any action even criminal to maintain the stability of a
nation, who do not care about the means but the objective , the end, and that
although not all are satisfied if it is fulfilled with superior good, but this does
not mean in any way and as I said before that Machiavelli is responsible for
this, but without a doubt if he is the inspirer of many of these miserable.
Ref: Rodrigo Borja, Encyclopedia of Politics, Economic Culture Fund -
Mexico 1997.
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