was around 2011 when he worked as a Legal Advisor in the Municipality
of Caparrapi, Cundinamarca, a few hours from La Vega; I had a good
job, a good salary, a comfortable and quiet life when I felt I needed
something, love, I wanted to meet someone, a couple, I do not know,
someone with whom to share my life.
ended the golden years of all gay youth, of course I have always been
avid reader, but the excesses of passion at age 20 did not go
unnoticed in my life, despite always being very judicious and
disciplined, I was busily seeking to calm my instincts as any man,
seeking identity and acceptance, stuck in clubs, bars, saunas and
showers, making Internet contacts to meet guys to enjoy a pleasant
time and more in the capital where it is so easy to reach and look
for sex, here nobody knows you and nobody is pointing you
do not understand why false stereotypes exist with homosexuality, it
is wrongly believed that in a couple of Men one plays a feminine role
and another masculine, that is not so true, although in many couples
you can see some characteristics like that, the truth is differently,
it is also believed that homosexuals want sex all the time and that
is also a great fallacy, of course thanks to many brazen and thrown
gays who live for sex and pleasure and who do not care about their
I wanted to put my life in order, so I opted for an alternative,
which I am not able to do today, I published an ad on the internet to
meet friends and a couple, it was so that a thin young man came to my
life. my age, white skin; it was not a love at first sight, I did not
like it from the beginning, well that's normal in me, I fall in love
with time, in sharing and day to day, so I'm not love at first sight.
We put the appointment in Bogota, in a shopping center and then we went to the apartment in Bogota, where he lived, of course to have coffee, talk more quietly, we got to have sex about two months after we met, he told me that I lived in Fusagasugá, but something unpleasant would come on the way, when I asked him where he worked ?, He replied: -I'm a stylist, I was surprised because maybe he was more masculine than me, he did not look like the typical beauty salon crazy, and of course I told myself to myself, - it's a pity that I'm not a professional, now I'll tell my friends and acquaintances that I go out with a stylist.
how it was, my friends sacrificed me, they told me how it was
possible that I was a lawyer, with excellent references, I got into a
poor guy, a stylist, that was embarrassing, that I valued, that I
looked for a professional person, that I was worthy to be with me
told me his name was, he looked at me with admiration and affection,
in his eyes I could see that nice feeling he felt for me, different,
different, the truth I had never seen him before, it would be my
second homosexual courtship, the one of course I had much more
experience in these things, something that would define the direction
of our relationship.
we enter the subject, we come to the subject of natural conversation
in a homosexual couple, the sexual Role in privacy and as much as one
can intuit, it is necessary to speak it, because it takes big
mistakes, sometimes the most mannered end up being the most macho ;
Then all those things were talked about and everything looked better
and better.
Who would have imagined that man named Adolfo? Stylist, without much money, a little village, would mark in a profound way my life, so much, that merits an article even many years after having finished our relationship.
is a serious man, educated, respectful, friendly, sincere, despite
not having any preparation, is cultured in his expressions and
gestures, well, despite the criticism, I decided to give me an
opportunity with him, we squared, Well, he actually asked me in a
almost at two months the time came, the most intimate moment, that of
the test for every couple and especially in the homosexual, sex,
which for me was always making love, it is normal to have something
of fear, because if you fail in it, say goodbye to your partner the
truth that sometimes the gay world is quite cruel in these aspects.
returned to Fusagasugá almost two hours from Bogotá and I would
have to continue working in Caparrapi, so we continued our
relationship, we saw each other on weekends, every 15 days I traveled
to that land that I fell in love with, I loved, going out on weekends
to go see my boyfriend.
little by little I fell in love with those thin and thin lips, that
smile, that skin, his voice and his caresses, I had never felt this
before for anything, I had never dedicated a song to a couple and
this time.
first year was wonderful, but in the second year the discussions
started, the fights and even infidelity, of course he betrayed me
with another person and I forgive him, because I know how difficult
homosexual relationships are, but afterwards tired of indifference I
met Carlos, a married man, with wives and children, I became his
lover, but it was perhaps the way to vent all the tension that lived
in my relationship.
my mother died I left completely alone, and that broke my heart, I
had to face that situation alone and with the greatest annoyance
because Adolfo knew about my mother's health conditions, and even
then he did not care, which was decisive in what would follow from
our already feverish relationship.
it was so Adolfo came into my life, we had a relationship of three
years, until unfortunately and despite my efforts had to come to an
end that year of 2014, it was all surprise when I see your profile
picture on Facebook accompanied by Another man, at that time, was an
analyst of Colpensiones and left the office to call him immediately,
I asked him who was that person? He denied it to me first, I accept
that this was his current partner and that it ended with me.
was so that he accepted the end of the relationship, we saw each
other for the last time, we went to a shopping center, we talked, we
ate, I bought him some details, I told him that he was the last one
that I received and that he wished him good luck; I cried, I cried a
lot and he looked me in the eyes, he smiled sadly and kissed my lips,
that was our farewell.
course Adolfo is a lover of those hummingbirds and months I knew that
their relationship was over, that I was in another relationship,
after failing to try to find me, but I was emotionally estranged from
him and I wanted absolutely nothing.
nevertheless Adolfo was without a doubt that relationship in which I
learned many things, such as tolerance, respect, the ability to
listen and above all maturity, that is why he exerted so much
influence in my life, that I still remember him fondly even though we
are far away from each other.
are those who still do not believe in Homosexual love, and the truth
is that they are in a big mistake, the love between two men exists,
it is volcano, it is magical and it is wonderful, this was a short
story that shows that a gay couple is like any other Heterosexual
couple facing the same challenges and challenges.
no mistake, not all homosexuals are equal, some are more sexual than
others, some are showceros and like to attract attention, others are
more calm and calm, some are more superficial and brainless, others
are deeper and spiritual, some like to show their bodies and muscles,
others prefer to show our ideas and thoughts, some like fashion and
vanities, I like politics and the government, so stop the stereotypes
and do not catapult us all as crazy .
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Colmenares Trujillo
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